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First snowfall for 2021

By   /  April 11, 2021  /  MOUNT MAWSON SNOW REPORT  /  12 Comments

The cold Southerly blast across Tasmania today (Sunday 11 April) brought snow to low levels, and whilst visitors had trouble accessing the snow at Kunyani Mt Wellington that was not the case at Mt Field. In fact there was so much snow a number of cars got stuck in the Dobson car park and had […]

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Learning the Ropes

By   /  March 23, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Beautiful autumn weather provided perfect conditions for the second day of STSA’s March working bee at Mt Mawson. A good turn out of enthusiastic volunteers meant that good progress was made on replacing the damaged Uni rope tow – thanks to all those who answered the call out for assistance. Master splicer Julian Oakes lead […]

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Uni Tow Challenges

By   /  March 20, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS, Uncategorized  /  No Comments

Whilst NSW battles floods it was a perfect Autumn day up at Mt Mawson Ski Field today (Saturday 20th March, 2021). A small band of willing helpers turned out for the first day of STSA’s March working bee, and they were still hard at work as the sun set over the Rodway range. Rod Stolorz […]

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Working Bee this weekend

By   /  March 18, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association will be conducting a working bee at the Mt Mawson Ski Field this weekend, Saturday 20th March and Sunday 21st March. We are keen to ensure that the tows are all ready to go for the coming winter season, and so the plan is to run the tow motors and […]

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Australian Ski Resort’s Best New Development 2021?

By   /  February 23, 2021  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

Last weekend’s working bee at Mt Mawson Ski Field has gained National attention, following a year in which COVID meant that there was not a lot of good news coming out of Australia’s winter sports industry (not to mention the disastrous bushfires which destroyed much of the infrastructure at the Mt Selwyn resort in NSW […]

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A Great Day on the Mountain

By   /  February 22, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Sunday 21 February was cool and drizzly in Hobart, but it was a different story up at Mt Field. The carpark was full, the march flies and tourists were out in force, and it was a warm, sunny day – perfect for an STSA working bee. Firstly a big shout out to the large group […]

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Working bee this Sunday

By   /  February 18, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The STSA Committee held its first meeting for 2021 last night (Wednesday 17th February) at the St Andrews Church Hall in Hobart. It was great to be back in the room together (COVID -safe of course!) Thanks to Liz Koolhof for preparing the necessary documentation. After a no-go last season the Committee are looking forward […]

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STSA looking forward to 2021


The summer season at Mt Mawson has kicked off in fine style with working bees and meetings held on the mountain to prepare the ski field for the 2021 season. On the 13th of November Peter Davis and Peter Burnett headed up the mountain to undertake a review of the STSA’s remote solar power system. […]

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Mt Mawson Ski Field Get-together Saturday 21st November


After a disappointing snow season in 2020 (on top of a pandemic and various other things!) the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association has decided to hold a working bee, its Annual General Meeting and social get together up at Mt Mawson on Saturday 21st November. This will be a great opportunity for ski and mountain enthusiasts […]

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Not Quite Enough

By   /  August 6, 2020  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

After the icy blast across Tasmania this week everyone was waiting on tenterhooks for the ice to melt off the snow camera at Mt Mawson Ski Field to give us all a good look at the slope. Just before 3 pm Thursday the image cleared, to reveal a stunning snow-covered scene. Whilst there is a […]

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