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Racing a Cold Front

By   /  February 18, 2023  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The weather forecast for today’s working bee at Mt Mawson Ski Field was not great, with showers and thunderstorms developing from mid morning, but this did not deter an enthusiastic group of 15 volunteers turning up to continue work on the Tas Community Fund snow fence project. The team quickly got into action transporting timber […]

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Working Bee this Saturday 18th Feb – The Final Push?

By   /  February 15, 2023  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

This weekend the STSA will be holding a one day working bee with the aim of completing snow fence construction funded by a Tasmanian Community Fund Community Action Grant. Whether we achieve this aim will depend on how many volunteers we get to help – so please consider coming along to lend a hand. Great […]

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Your chance to become a ski patroller 🙂

By   /  December 14, 2022  /  SKI PATROL NEWS  /  No Comments

    Being a member of the Mt Mawson Ski Patrol is a great way to be involved in the ski field, with the benefits of keeping the public safe, and gaining valuable qualifications for yourself which are recognised world-wide. With the intervention of the pandemic it has been several years since the Australian Ski […]

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Community Action Action

By   /  December 11, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Its remarkable what can be achieved when a group of dedicated volunteers get together for a common purpose. That was certainly the case on Saturday 10th December when 13 STSA volunteers met up at the Mt Mawson Ski Field to tackle the next phase of building snow fences funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund Community […]

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Working Bee on this Saturday!

By   /  December 5, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The forecast for this Saturday (10th December) is looking good, and so the STSA has decided to run another single day snow fence working bee at the Mt Mawson Ski Field. This will continue the construction of new snow fences supported by the Tasmanian Community Fund Community Action Grant, which is an important project to […]

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A Great Team!

By   /  November 19, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Today was the first Summer working bee for the STSA, held in November for the first time to get an early start on the important snow fence project supported by the Tasmanian Community Fund. The project involves building some replacement snow fences in the gully between the Mawson and Uni runs, to improve the skiing […]

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Mt Mawson snow fence working bee this Saturday 19 Nov

By   /  November 17, 2022  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

This weekend will see the first working bee at Mt Mawson Ski Field to commence construction of new snow fences supported by the Tasmanian Community Fund grant. The weather is looking a bit bleak for Sunday, so the STSA Committee have decided to get things underway with a one day working bee this Saturday 19th […]

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STSA Awarded 2022 Community Action Grant

By   /  November 7, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Community Action Grant by the Tasmanian Community Fund for a project “Snow Fences to enhance snow cover at Mt Field”. The Tasmanian Community Fund accepted 49 applications requesting $1.65 million in this round, and after careful consideration of each application, […]

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Skiing on hold – Snow report 25 June 2022

By   /  June 25, 2022  /  MOUNT MAWSON SNOW REPORT  /  No Comments

We have all been keenly watching the snow cameras at Mt Mawson Ski Field to see how well the snow pack is holding up during a spell of warmer weather, as well as monitoring the BOM website to see when the next snow will arrive. STSA volunteers from the Ski Club of Tasmania have been […]

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A Flash of Sun

By   /  June 18, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The second weekend of the ski season in Southern Tasmania is well underway at Mt Mawson with excellent snow conditions still present after last weekend’s big blizzard. Whilst it was raining in the morning in Hobart Mt Mawson remained dry all day, and a good crowd of enthusiastic skiers and boarders made the most of […]

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