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The Big Reveal

By   /  February 17, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  4 Comments

STSA and Friends of Mt Field turned out a football team of 21 volunteers for the big reveal of the new turf on Mawson Ski Run on Saturday. The grass was sown three years ago with seed collected from alpine grass species specifically for the purpose, and covered with shade cloth to enhance growing conditions […]

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We’re on! – Working Bee this Saturday

By   /  February 14, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The past few weeks have been a difficult time for PWS and Fire Service Officers battling the bushfires in the South West World heritage area, and it has been necessary to keep the alpine area of Mt Field National Park closed for a number of weeks as a safety precaution. As a result STSA’s last […]

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Working Bee for this Saturday postponed

By   /  January 18, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Parks have advised that the Mt Field National Park alpine areas are presently closed and will remain so at least until the middle of next week – depending of course on how the fire situation develops in the South West. Unfortunately this means that the STSA first working bee for 2019 which was scheduled for […]

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First 2019 working Bee planned for this Saturday

By   /  January 17, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS, Uncategorized  /  No Comments

The first STSA working bee for 2019 has been scheduled for this Saturday 19th January, with plenty of external tasks to be tackled in preparation for the 2019 snow season. The working bee has been reduced from two days to one day, as with the bush fires burning in the South West World Heritage area […]

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The Fagus is early this year

By   /  December 13, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

It is great to see the continuing progress on completion of the new visitor facilities at Mt Mawson in the Mt Field National Park. Vos builders are continuing to work hard on completing the interior fit out, and this week observant web-cam watchers will have observed some brightly coloured sculptures appearing outside the building. These […]

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More snow on the way – but a bit late for this weekend

By   /  September 21, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

This has been one of those classic Tasmanian winters where it seems to be nice and warm during the week (when you’re in the office!) and then packs in on the weekend. In addition the Bureau of Meteorology data confirms that while the Winter Season in Tasmania was wetter than normal, both maximum and minimum […]

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Season pause – Tows on hold this weekend

By   /  September 13, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

  The past couple of weeks have seen some great skiing and snowboarding at Mt Mawson Ski Field, with a solid base of good snow enabling both Mawson and Uni tows to operate. Volunteers from the Wellington Ski and Outdoor Club, and the Ski Club of Tasmania supported by the Mt Mawson Ski Patrol have […]

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Fun in the Sun

By   /  August 25, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

After some wintry weather over the past week it was great to have a sunny settled Saturday to allow visitors to enjoy the snow at Mt Field National Park today. Volunteers from Oldina Ski Club were on the mountain early to start the task of digging out the tow line in readiness for operations- with […]

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6 Days in the Life of a Ski Field

By   /  August 21, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Impressive snow accumulation up on the hill folks! Here’s a little animation of cam pics commencing Wednesday 15th August – up until this afternoon Tuesday 21st August. Westerly to North Westerly winds have dominated over this period (blowing from the right hand side of the frame to the left). This has produced pronounced drifts running […]

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Its Snowtime!

By   /  August 16, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

  The patience of Tasmanian skiers and boarders will be rewarded this weekend, as the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association has announced that the ski tows will be running at Mt Mawson Ski Field on both Saturday and Sunday (18th and 19th August 2018). It has been a somewhat frustrating season so far, as whilst there […]

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