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Alpine Odyssey Film Screening

By   /  July 11, 2024  /  OTHER NEWS  /  1 Comment

  15 July – Hobart, Dechaineux Theatre Alpine Odyssey, a film by Ivan Hexter, tells the story of my winter 2022 journey along the 700km length of the Australian Alps, a journey I first undertook 27 years ago. The 50-day traverse also had me skiing at each of the dozen mainland Australian snow resorts en route. It was […]

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Snacks and Snowballs

By   /  September 8, 2023  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  1 Comment

A couple of the STSA crew are on the mountain and planning to open the ticket office for snacks, later  tomorrow morning. If you’re tossing a few snowballs around, go and say hi and grab a drink and snack.

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Snow Gear

By   /  June 10, 2022  /  OTHER NEWS  /  No Comments

Looking for snow gear to purchase or hire or perhaps tuning for your skis or snowboard? Martin at Launceston Surf & Surf & Snow can help you out. “On the retail side of things we stock all clothing, snowboards, skis, boots, poles, snow travel bags, waxes, tuning tools, gloves, goggles, helmets, pretty much anything you […]

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By   /  June 5, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS, SKI PATROL NEWS  /  No Comments

With snow falling around the state and excitement building for some fun in the snow, Ski Patroller Paul Vince forwarded this timely and helpful link: snowsafe.org.au Time and time again we see visitors to Mount Mawson arriving poorly equipped and unaware of the dangers inherent to the mountains. With some basic knowledge and preparation, you […]

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Tow Managers Training

By   /  June 3, 2022  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

A small band of dedicated folks gathered on Mt Mawson last Saturday in the near-freezing (1-degree) and drizzling conditions. Our task was to review the tow operating procedures in anticipation of the ski season. Both Mawson and Uni tows were set up and run, complete with running the ropeways.             […]

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Fagus – 2022

By   /  May 8, 2022  /  YOUR PHOTOS  /  No Comments

Photos of Tarn Shelf Fagus 2022 by Rob Stewart (Mt Mawson Ski Club)          

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Warner Canyon

By   /  March 29, 2022  /  OTHER NEWS  /  1 Comment

warner canyon

While it’s across the world, and also has a chair lift and groomer, Warner Canyon in Oregon is still surprisingly like Mt Mawson. A local ski hill run with dedication and loved by volunteers and locals alike.

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By   /  September 25, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Minus temperatures and fresh snowfall = happy faces this morning! Real powder snow is a rarity on Mt Mawson due to our lower altitudes a relatively warmer conditions. However, this mornings -3 temps combined with fresh snow produced some lovely, silky powder runs down the more protected Jeep Trail.

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Snow is falling and settling

By   /  August 15, 2021  /  MOUNT MAWSON SNOW REPORT  /  No Comments

2.20 pm Sunday. We’ll guys the snow has come up here. Lovely blizzard conditions and fat flakes falling and settling at Oldina.

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The Unique Nut Cracker

By   /  August 12, 2021  /  YOUR PHOTOS  /  No Comments

nut cracker

Do the Nut Cracker! by Klaaske Greenwood https://www.klaaske.com.au/

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