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First summer working bee on December 8th

By   /  November 27, 2019  /  2 Comments

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An STSA working bee in full swing

Now that the snow has melted it is time to turn our attention to the list of tasks needed to get the Mt Mawson Ski Field ready for the next winter ski season. The STSA Committee have agreed to hold a pre-Christmas working bee on Sunday 8th December 2019, and encourage volunteers to come along and get involved.

The main work will be carrying timber and completing a snowfence panel in the middle of the Mawson run which was commenced last year, as well as starting the task of cleaning out the old Belt Issue Hut. We also hope to re-visit some of the protruding rocks on the Mawson run which were only partly cracked last summer, and also scope out works for the forthcoming summer working bees in 2020. If you are able to help out, please be at the Lake Dobson carpark gate at 10:00 am on Sunday 8th December.

The dates have also been set for the other planned working bees over the Summer, so please add those to your diaries as well. The planned working bees are:

February 22-23, 2020

March 21-22, 2020

April 18-19, 2020

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  • Published: 5 years ago on November 27, 2019
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 27, 2019 @ 8:33 pm
  • Filed Under: MOUNTAIN NEWS

About the author

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President, Southern Tasmanian Ski Association

Peter is currently President of the STSA, and a member of the Oldina Ski Club. He has been coming to Mt Field for many years, and is an intermediate skier who can get down most black runs, but without much style.


  1. Jan Pur says:

    Hi Peter,

    Will the working bee go ahead now there is snow all over the mountain?

    What are alternative plans?

    • Avatar photo Peter Davis says:

      Hi Jan, We were hoping that given it is Summer that the snow might melt quickly enough to allow the working bee to proceed. Unfortunately that has proved not to be the case, and so the working bee has been rescheduled to the following Saturday (14th December) instead. Peter Davis STSA President

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