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More progress despite the weather

By   /  March 26, 2018  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

STSA volunteers headed up to Mt Mawson Ski Field on the weekend of 24-25 March to continue the task of getting the ski field ready for the coming Winter season. The forecast was for rain both days, and so work commenced on Friday evening with the slatting of one of the snow fences at the […]

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Mt Mawson Working Bee this weekend

By   /  March 22, 2018  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

The next working bee for the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association at Mt Mawson Ski Field is on this weekend, with the majority of helpers planning to head up on Saturday 24th March. As the weather begins to close in there is still much to do to get the ski field ready for this winter season, […]

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The Crane has Arrived!

By   /  March 5, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  2 Comments

  For all of you who have been patiently waiting for visible progress towards the new day shelter at the Mt Mawson Ski Field, today was a good day. The mobile crane that will be used to lift the prefabricated concrete panels into place is now on site, and we can expect to see the […]

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National publicity for Mt Mawson Ski Field

By   /  February 26, 2018  /  YOUR PHOTOS  /  1 Comment

Snow Action (described as “Australia’s #1 Ski Magazine”) is planning to publish a feature on skiing in Tasmania for its April issue. The aim is to encourage visitors to come and check out Tassie in winter. If you have some great shots of skiing, boarding or touring at Mt Mawson Ski Field or out in […]

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Great effort in response to snow damage

By   /  February 25, 2018  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Following damage to snow fence infrastructure at the Mt Mawson Ski Field in last season’s massive snow fall, volunteers from the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association headed up to the mountain this weekend to start the large task of replacing damaged snow fences. Two trailer loads of heavy timber were brought up to the ski field, […]

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STSA Working Bee this Sunday

By   /  February 23, 2018  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  3 Comments

On Wednesday evening this week the STSA volunteer committee that run the Mt Mawson Ski Field met to discuss the work program for this Summer, and to hear an update on progress towards construction of the new day shelter and ski patrol facility at Mt Mawson. Expect to see some more action on site very […]

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STSA Committee looks to 2018

By   /  November 16, 2017  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

Last night the STSA held its Annual General Meeting for 2017 and began plans for activities in 2018. The Committee looks very similar to last year (!) with the following office bearers elected: President:                                            […]

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So long, farewell

By   /  November 6, 2017  /  SKI PATROL NEWS  /  No Comments

The end of the era of the “temporary” ski patrol container at Mt Mawson Ski Field has finally arrived. After persevering with sub-standard first aid facilities for a number of years, it is great to know that progress is being made with construction of the new facility, and that the Ski Patrol Container will not […]

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October Spring Skiing at Mt Mawson


Well its been an amazing season of skiing at Mt Mawson in the Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, and there is still enough snow to get a final fix of skiing and boarding this weekend. Make the most of it – because next winter is a long way off. Although we are now past the […]

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It’s Coming!

By   /  September 1, 2017  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

  As skiers and boarders shiver in the current temporary public shelter (shipping container) at Mt Mawson Ski Field, the good news is that progress is being made on the new public shelter which will replace the old Sitzmark Lodge, demolished back in 2013. DPIPWE/PWS project manager Perry Foster advises that the new public shelter […]

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