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A Big Weekend

By   /  September 12, 2017  /  2 Comments

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Heavy snow falls during last week ensured that there was an excellent snow cover across Mt Mawson. Assisted by volunteers from the public and other clubs, Alpine Ski Club and the Hobart Walking Club did an awesome job of digging out and then getting the Uni and Mawson tows running on Saturday.

The Mawson tow needed the bulk of the work as the rope was buried in three locations; at the start point, about half way up and at the top drift. The pulley on the pole preceeding the top drift was a full 2.5 metres under the surface with the nearby snow fence completely buried. The rope was buried 1.5 metres deep in the drift over approx. 20 metres. If digging the rope out wasn’t hard enough, trying to do so in storm force winds certainly added to the experience.

Numbers were limited in the extreme conditions on Saturday, but Sunday proved a bumper day for the ski area. The car park was full and overflowing back down the road. Out of bounds, there were groups of skiers, boarders and snowshoers everywhere.

Rodway slope is looking very impressive with a huge drift at the top, and even a small cornice forming. Unfortunately, the rope is buried at the bottom (relatively easy dig out) and again at the top from pole 4 right up through the drift. Pole 5 only has .5 Metre sticking out of the snow. The rope is likely buried up to 3 metres deep throughout the drift (not an easy dig out).

Thanks to everyone involved on the weekend, including the hard working ski patrol, ticket office sellers and community minded folks who hopped in to lend a hand. And a big thanks also to Parks, State Growth and the Stornaway contractors for an excellent job clearing the road access and carpark in time for the weekend.

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  • Published: 8 years ago on September 12, 2017
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 12, 2017 @ 11:36 am
  • Filed Under: MOUNTAIN NEWS

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Editor in Chief - Website Wrangler

I've been involved with Mt Mawson since 1990 as a volunteer and I'm a member of the Oldina Ski club. I'm into skiing, a bit of snow boarding, snow shoeing and I'm partial to taking the odd photo.


  1. nathan graham says:

    Be good to get together next weekend to dig Rodways out & get it going.Sunday is looking like a nice day so would it be possible to organise a crew to meet at the bottom of Mawson at say 11.00 or earlier and head over. I’ll put my hand up to help.

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