The Mt Mawson Ski Patrol – as featured in Australian Geographic
Being a member of the Mt Mawson Ski Patrol is a great way to be involved in the ski field, with the benefits of keeping the public safe, and gaining valuable qualifications for yourself which are recognised world-wide.
With the intervention of the pandemic it has been several years since the Australian Ski Patrol Association (ASPA) have been able to offer their certified patrollers training course in Tasmania but we are pleased to advise that the ASPA course will be run over two weekends early next year.
The course will be held over two weekends, with the first weekend to be held in Launceston on the 4-5 March 2023 (venue to be advised) and with the second weekend of training being on 11-12 March 2023 at Bellerive Primary School. The course runs from 8 am to 5 pm on each of the four days, and there is also some pre-reading to do. Intending patrollers should also have a Level 2 First Aid Certificate. The full cost of the course is $1500, but for those who volunteer to join the Mt Mawson Ski Patrol roster the cost is reduced to $400.

Mt Mawson Ski Patrollers In action
To register your interest in gaining a valuable Ski Patroller qualification at the 2023 course please contact Tasmanian- based ASPA trainer Paul Vince on 0417 168 087, or email paulmvince@bigpond.com