This weekend the STSA will be holding a one day working bee with the aim of completing snow fence construction funded by a Tasmanian Community Fund Community Action Grant. Whether we achieve this aim will depend on how many volunteers we get to help – so please consider coming along to lend a hand.
Great progress has been made over the past few working bees, but there are still several panels to be completed to fill in the last part of the snow capture system. As has been the case for the past few working bees the challenging part is the physical carrying of the materials up to the worksite – a great chance for a workout in the fresh air!

Snow fence construction underway at the December 2022 working bee
We are very pleased with what has been achieved so far – particularly when we contrast the new fences with the state of some of the old fences constructed last century! The old timers certainly knew the best places to place the fences for maximum benefit, and we are confident that the skiing will be improved as a result of snow captured with the new fences constructed with the TCF grant.

Old snow fences placed to capture snow at top of Mawson Ski Run
We will have snacks and hot drinks available for the volunteers – please be at the Lake Dobson Gate at 10:00 am on Saturday to join the STSA team of snow fence builders!