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Tow Managers Training

By   /  June 3, 2022  /  No Comments

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A small band of dedicated folks gathered on Mt Mawson last Saturday in the near-freezing (1-degree) and drizzling conditions. Our task was to review the tow operating procedures in anticipation of the ski season. Both Mawson and Uni tows were set up and run, complete with running the ropeways.













Mawson ticked all the boxes, but a noise issue was identified with the bull wheel at the top of the Uni Tow, so a follow-up investigation is needed, were hoping it’s just something rubbing on a guard.

Mawson tow is ready and waiting for the snow!

























In the ticket office, we also set up the newish POS system again and ran through its operation. I’m in the process of writing a new manual for that system along with some photos of the steps. FYI club members, we’ll laminate a few instruction sheets and put them up on the wall to help you navigate things too.


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Editor in Chief - Website Wrangler

I've been involved with Mt Mawson since 1990 as a volunteer and I'm a member of the Oldina Ski club. I'm into skiing, a bit of snow boarding, snow shoeing and I'm partial to taking the odd photo.

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