STSA is running a working bee at the Mt Mawson Ski Field this weekend, and has put out the call for volunteers to come and assist with a number of key tasks needed to get the ski field ready for the coming winter season.
The most critical task is splicing and running a brand new rope for the Mawson tow. This is a task requiring a number of hands, and is a critical element for actually being able to offer skiing this winter! Its also much better to do the splices before the snow arrives….
We are also very close to being able to move into the new building, and hopefully may be able to start moving belts and first aid equipment across from Belt Issue this weekend.
Other tasks include rock removal, snow fence construction, and moving timber to Rodway to repair the loading ramp at the base of the Rodway tow.
The main working bee is planned for Saturday 13th April – be at the Lake Dobson gate by 10:00 am. A number of clubs are conducting their club working bees this weekend too, and it is hoped that some club members will be able to participate in both club and STSA working bees. With the fire activity now past it is possible to stay overnight, and so it is likely there will also be follow-up working bee activity on Sunday.