The sound of hammers was ringing out at Mt Mawson Ski Field on Saturday 16th March, as a small band of hardworking STSA volunteers worked on completing a couple of key snow fences ready for the ski season.

The presence of fires to the West of Mt Field National Park meant that the Park remains closed to overnight stays and so once again the STSA volunteers were attempting the work program in a single day working bee rather than a full weekend.
Adrian Brettingham-Moore and Karen Davis worked on slatting the new snow fence at Pole 6 constructed at the last working bee, whilst George Brettingham-Moore and Peter Davis framed up a two panel fence to assist with snow formation on the shute leading into the loading bay (this fence was removed a few years ago, but skiers and boarders tend to scarf out the snow in this areas as they approach the loading zone). In the afternoon George was joined by Caroline Sutton from Mt Mawson Ski Club, and they did a very tidy job of slatting the new snow fence.

Rod Stolorz worked away at removing protruding rocks from the ski slope. This small group of hazardous rocks had been identified for removal following the slope grooming completed a few years ago, but definitely not the easiest of tasks! Fortunately at lunch time Rudy Kloser and Rob Reid arrived from Mt Mawson Ski Club, and with the extra man-power (and Rob’s winch!) good progress was made with winching out a couple of the “iceberg” rocks which had been creating concern. There is still some tidying up to do, but it is going to be much better for skiers and boarders to have a clear run down to the loading area without the risk of falling on these rocks.

Tim Whelan and Sebastian Whelan called by late in the day to help by carrying new timber up to the middle of the Mawson slope where one snow fence panel has fallen down and needs to be replaced. Carrying timber up the hill is always a good work-out, and is great that people just turn up to help with this sort of task when they are passing by- thanks Tim and Sebastien for your help!
The next STSA working bee is scheduled for 13th-14th April, and will have a different set of key tasks. The main focus in April will be on splicing on the new Mawson rope, and hopefully moving the tow belts and ski patrol equipment into the new building.