The next meeting of the STSA will be held on Wednesday 24th February at the Baptist Church Hall in Elizabeth Street.
The agenda will include:
. Working bee plans
. 100th Anniversary Celebrations and STSA involvement
. Alpine History Association Conference
. Vacant position for secretary
. Update on new Visitor Shelter facilities
At the meeting Ambrose will lead a discussion on what work needs to be done on the mountain to prepare for the coming Winter season. We will confirm the working bee dates, but suggest you pencil in Sunday 27th February as the first one (details to be confirmed at the meeting).
Friends of Mt Field and PWS are also conducting a working bee at Mt Mawson on Tuesday 23rd February, to lay out shade cloth on the bottom of the Mawson run to try to facilitate regeneration.
With the 100th Anniversary Celebrations this will be another big year for the Mt Mawson Ski field – so come along and get involved!