It was a misty, atmospheric day at Mt Field National Park on Sunday 28th February, and once again a band of volunteers from the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association were on the mountain preparing Mt Mawson ski field for Winter 2016. Michael and Penny Wadsley from the Ski Club of Tasmania spent the day cleaning and tidying the Mawson motor hut, while Ambrose Canning (also from SCT) lead the splicing effort to shorten the Mawson rope, ably supported by apprentice splicer Karen Davis and assistants Matthew Davis and Peter Davis from Oldina Ski Club. The Mawson run had a new rope installed last season, and as with all new ropes it stretched to the point where the full tensioning range in the Mawson motor hut had been utilised. This has now been rectified, and the rope is now “good to go”, hopefully minimising the need for any further splicing of the rope during the ski season.
The STSA volunteers were joined by Ian Stewart, who used his laptop and smartphone to re-install the electronics which operate the top web cam. This web cam is located at the top of the Mawson run, and provides a great view across the Mawson plateau to the Rodway range.
The next working bee for the STSA is scheduled for 20 March.