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COVID-19 Plan Prepared – Mt Mawson Ski Field Update July 2020

By   /  July 10, 2020  /  1 Comment

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As outlined in our last update the STSA has been monitoring developments in the COVID-19 pandemic, and assessing whether it will be possible to operate the Mt Mawson Ski Field this winter. The current situation in Tasmania is reasonably reassuring (unlike Victoria!) and so STSA has prepared a COVID-19 Safety Plan to guide how we will be able to safely operate the ski field. The Mt Mawson Ski Field COVID-19 Safety Plan is attached here.

The MT Mawson Ski Patrol has also prepared a COVID-19 Safety Plan to guide how members of Ski Patrol will respond to any emergencies on the mountain. Whilst this document is primarily aimed at our volunteer ski patrollers it is attached here for completeness.

The general principles outlined in the ski field COVID-19 safety plan are very important to ensure the safety of all visitors to Mt Field:

Do not come to Mt Mawson Ski Field if unwell or exhibiting respiratory or other symptoms of COVID -19

Maintain physical distancing of at least 1.5 m at all times.

Encourage good hygiene, use hand sanitiser provided, and wash hands frequently.

We encourage you to read the Mt Mawson Ski Field Safety Plan carefully if you are considering a visit to the ski field, and follow all the guidelines. Then once the snow arrives we will be able to have a ski season!

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About the author

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Immediate past president, Southern Tasmanian Ski Association

Peter is Immediate past president of the STSA, and a member of the Oldina Ski Club. He has been coming to Mt Field for many years, and is an intermediate skier who can get down most black runs, but without much style.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar photo Bishwa Oakes says:

    Awesome job guys, thanks! Hope we get some snow, I’m itching to get into it.

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