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Our Turn!

By   /  July 17, 2021  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS, Uncategorized  /  No Comments

After the mainland resorts hogging all the snow this season, will it finally be our turn! This week will see a break in the patterns that have been sending all the snow to our northern neighbors. Snow is forecast over several days this week and it has the potential to set up a good base […]

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Snow, No snow, Snow, No snow, Snow….

By   /  August 21, 2020  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Seems like this is the theme for this season. Heartbreaking to watch that last fall wash away, if only that had stuck around. We’re starting to build a base again, but it doesn’t look like there’s enough in this series of fronts to get things going. Oldina Ski Club is on roster this weekend and […]

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Web Site Interest

By   /  August 5, 2020  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  2 Comments

With all the snow around and the promise of good skiing and boarding to come, the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association’s web site mtmawson.info is receiving a lot of traffic. Yesterday’s (Wed 4th Aug.) views topped out at 4,040. That comprises 1,650 unique visitors. Below is a break down of what our users are looking at. […]

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By   /  May 14, 2020  /  OTHER NEWS  /  5 Comments

Here’s a link to a relaxing aerial video to whet your appetite. Taken by Gary, the Wandering Foxbat, winter 2018. Look up his channel on YouTube, he has a bunch of great aerial videos from all around Tasmania. https://youtu.be/mmQDwh1mLiQ

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What Goes Down, Must Go Up!

By   /  March 23, 2020  /  OTHER NEWS  /  No Comments

The Colorado Sun has an interesting article outlining large sales of back country gear. With ski resort closures due to Covid-19 concerns across the US, retailers are seeing a big spike in gear sales. Seems like people are still keen to keep skiing, so they’re investing in AT (Alpine Touring) equipment. And if it’s one […]

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Sunday Skiing

By   /  September 7, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The snow pack is hanging in there and Mawson Club will be running the tows again tomorrow (Sunday)!

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BOM Survey

By   /  August 21, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

How do you use weather information for snow-based activities? The Bureau of Meteorology is conducting an online survey – “ We’re looking into how we present our weather information for skiing, snowboarding, and other snow-based activities. Take part in this quick 10-minute survey. “. https://ideas.bom.gov.au/tests/snow-survey/ Please make a bit of time to take the survey, […]

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Snow Report – Saturday 10th August

By   /  August 10, 2019  /  Uncategorized  /  No Comments

The intense low passing to our south east overnight pumped 14mm of rain onto Hobart, 36mm onto Scotts Peak and 10mm onto Maydena. I’ve just spoken to Peter on the mountain and Mt Mawson has received around 10cm of fresh snow. It’s nice and cold up there and the fresh snow is very good condition […]

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Snow Report – Friday 2nd August

By   /  August 2, 2019  /  MOUNT MAWSON SNOW REPORT  /  1 Comment

It’s a quickly moving feast, this snow forecasting. We have a solid base up on the mountain still and the now forecasted snow to 600 meters tomorrow, should make for another fun weekend. There’s the potential for 5-10cm. Snow showers clearing Sunday. Then looking ahead we have a more significant dump coming during next week.

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Open this weekend

By   /  August 1, 2019  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The Southern Tassie ski season is entering its third week with the tows operating again at Mt Mawson this weekend. It’s snowing up there this evening (Thursday 10pm), with snow above 1,000 meters forecast for Friday. Looking into the weekend, there is more fresh snow forecast on both days to low levels, please rug up […]

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