The STSA Annual General Meeting was held on 26th November, with the following people being elected to lead the organisation for the 2015 season:
President: Peter Davis
Vice President: Ambrose Canning
Treasurer: Antal Hanke
Secretary: George Brettingham-Moore
Ski Patrol Convener: Andrew Davey
Ski Patrol Secretary: Liz Caldwell-Koolhof
Tow Convener: Ambrose Canning
The meeting received a number of reports on Mt Mawson activities, which summarised a very successful year of improving facilities at Mt Mawson Ski Field, even though skiing was limited by the warm and dry winter conditions.
Link to the Presidents Report Nov 2014:
The new committee set straight to work approving the Ski Tow Roster for 2015, and setting the dates for this summer’s working bees. The working bees are 21-22 February, 21-22 March, and 18-19 April 2015. The key items to be undertaken are the completion of the final 3 panels of snow fence for the Mawson run (requiring some timber carrying!), installation of a new rope for the Mawson tow, and preparation/ painting of the three STSA tow motor huts (Mawson, Uni and Rodway).
Come along and be involved in keeping Southern Tasmania’s only downhill ski field operational – its fun and rewarding work out in the fresh air!
Refer to our calendar for STSA working bee dates in Feb, March and April 2015.