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STSA Working Bee this Sunday

By   /  February 23, 2018  /  3 Comments

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On Wednesday evening this week the STSA volunteer committee that run the Mt Mawson Ski Field met to discuss the work program for this Summer, and to hear an update on progress towards construction of the new day shelter and ski patrol facility at Mt Mawson. Expect to see some more action on site very soon!

As is always the case there is a long list of tasks to do to keep the ski field in good operating order, and volunteer helpers are always welcome. The first working bee for this summer will be held this Sunday 25th February – if you would like to assist please be at the Lake Dobson gate at 10:00 am. The weather is forecast to be cold and showery but that will not put us off!

One of the tasks we have to tackle is to repair a series of snow fence panels at the top of the Mawson run that were broken by the large weight of snow on them in the excellent 2017 season. It was great to have the snow, but now we have some repair work to do to get ready for the 2018 winter…..

Snow fence damaged in the big snowfall of 2017

As we get closer to moving into the new facility we will continue to remove any redundant old equipment and materials from the mountain, including the old tow rope from the University tow which was replaced last season. And for those with carpentry skills there are some repairs to be made to the Rodway tow hut…..

If you are unable to make the working bee this weekend, note that future working bees are scheduled for the 24-25 March, and 28-29 April.

Visitors lend their weight to pulling the new rope down the hill ready for splicing

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Immediate past president, Southern Tasmanian Ski Association

Peter is Immediate past president of the STSA, and a member of the Oldina Ski Club. He has been coming to Mt Field for many years, and is an intermediate skier who can get down most black runs, but without much style.


  1. owain price says:

    you guys are legends the effort you put in! hey please spread the word we have a huge Tassie feature in our end of April issue so if any of the members want to send an image to me owain at snowaction@icloud.com please do so in next couple of weeks

  2. Mark Maumill says:

    Hi Peter, Thanks for the update, any update on the new day shelter? Is it running on schedule? When is completion expected? Thanks Mark

    • Peter Davis says:

      Hi Mark,

      I understand the Mt Mawson day shelter project is running well, although there have been some delays (which is why you can’t see a lot above the ground up at the ski fields yet). We expect to see the remainder of the concrete panels delivered up to Lake Dobson in the next week or so, and then we should see the building really starting to take shape. The builders, project managers and STSA volunteers are all working towards having it completed for this snow season 🙂



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