The Mount Mawson Ski Patrol fill an essential role to allow skiing and boarding to occur at the Mt Mawson Ski Field in the Mt Field National Park. All patrollers are highly qualified, and complete Australian Ski Patrol Association training to become certified to provide first aid in the challenging mountain environment.
The Ski Patrol are very pleased that with the opening of the new Mt Mawson Day shelter they now have a dedicated First Aid Room for the treatment of people who may have sustained injuries at the ski field. The First Aid Room has been especially designed to accomodate the Akja rescue sled, and has two patient beds, heating, electricity and running water. This is a long awaited, and significant improvement compared to patient treatment facilities available on the mountain previously.
Or it will be! There is a working bee on this weekend to commence the fit out of the First Aid Room, and to place all the specialist medical equipment in the room in an orderly fashion in readiness for the commencement of the ski season as soon as snow arrives. All Mt Mawson Ski Patrollers are invited to come along and be involved in setting up this excellent new facility. As with the STSA working bee, be at the Lake Dobson gate at 10:00 am on Saturday.