Looking toward Rodway Tow from the Tarn Shelf
It was a spectacular day up at Mt Mawson Ski Field today for the final STSA working bee prior to the Winter snow. The mist swirled about, and periodic flashes of sun threw the landscape into sharp relief. There were large numbers of people viewing the colours of the deciduous beech on the Tarn Shelf, and many stopped in at the Mt Mawson Day Shelter on the way home for a coffee and chat with the STSA volunteers.

Fagus on Tarn Shelf, 23 April 2022
We had a good turn-out of volunteers to help with jobs around the ski field, and the working bee team made great progress on a task that has been ongoing for several years – completing the removal of some dangerous protruding rocks above the Mawson ski loading area.

STSA Volunteers tidying the bottom of the Mawson Ski Slope
Paul Vince worked on improving the receiver set up for the ski patrol radios; Rod Stolorz and Michael Potter worked on tidying the Uni tow; Craig Larsson did a great clean out of the Mawson Tow Hut, and Annette Levis did a great job of keeping everyone fuelled up with hot drinks.
After a very enjoyable sausage sizzle the team headed off to Rodway Tow hut with additional first aid equipment for ski patrol, and tools to further tidy the tow motor hut interior. The day concluded with a stroll onto the Tarn Shelf to enjoy the spectacular beauty of the Mt Field alpine region.

Rudy Kloser receiving instruction on the Rodway motor operation from the Master.

Roberts Tarn, Tarn Shelf, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania

STSA Volunteers heading back to the Mawson Day Shelter at the end of a great day
Once again it was a great community day out on the Mt Mawson Ski Field. We encourage more people to get involved to help STSA keep the ski field running – and of course make sure you come up for a ski with us once the snow arrives!
Hi Peter!
I’m a crazy Swede that has moved back to Tassie since a few years. Love my skiing and plan a visit to the skifields in the near future.
I have a couple of questions: Are you going to be open coming Tuesday and knowing it’s a national park, is it possible to bring a dog to the skifields, have an Alaskan Malamute that I would love to have experience the “real snow”
Hope to hear from you. Cheers Ulf!