Volunteers from the Ski Club of Tasmania have arrived at the Mt Mawson Ski Field to undertake an on-field assessment of the snow conditions, and have agreed to again offer skiing to the public at Mt Mawson this weekend 17-18 August. The warm conditions during the week have shrunk the trails down the hill in a couple of places, but the majority of the mountain still has good enough snow cover for a fun weekend in the snow. It is clear that the snow fences constructed by volunteers from the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association over the past few summers have contributed greatly to the ability of the Mt Mawson Ski field to span the gaps between snow storms.
The weather forecast is for a sunny day on Saturday, with more snow forecast on Sunday to start improving snow conditions again, before even more snow arrives next week.

The first task for the volunteers on the ski field today has been to shorten the new Mawson rope which was installed earlier this year. The new ropes are prone to stretch, and this one had run out of adjustment. We want to make sure it can cope with a good crowd of skiers and boarders being hauled up the hill, and so a new splice is being installed today.
It is also pleasing to see the number of visitors up enjoying the snow and the new Mt Mawson Public Day Shelter – busy even on a Friday!