The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a Community Action Grant by the Tasmanian Community Fund for a project “Snow Fences to enhance snow cover at Mt Field”. The Tasmanian Community Fund accepted 49 applications requesting $1.65 million in this round, and after careful consideration of each application, have awarded $536,388 to 20 projects across the State. The STSA will receive $5,375.00 towards the cost of timber to be used to construct snow fences, principally to retain snow cover on the traverse across from Mawson Tow to Uni Tow. This will help to fill in the gully between the two tows with snow, making the ski field more useable for intermediate skiers and boarders, particularly in low snow conditions.
The STSA is very pleased to have received support from the TCF, as after a couple of poor seasons, and the Covid shutdown, a capital contribution to improve the resilience of the ski field to climate change is very timely. A big thanks also to the STSA Committee who supported the preparation of a detailed application to TCF, as well as to key stakeholders who provided letters of support. It was quite a formal process with the project needing to demonstrate how it leads to improved community well being, the involvement of volunteers in delivering the project, as well as detailed budgets, performance indicators and risk management.

Typical snow fence construction – Craig Larsson and Joe Kronawitter nailing the slats on

Snow fences help retain snow and improve cover on the ski slope
Now that we have received confirmation of the grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund, and the warmer summer weather has arrived it is time to get the project underway – this is where all our volunteer helpers come in. It is quite a big job to carry all the timber sleepers, beams and slats to the site where the snow fences are to be constructed, and then of course there is the actual construction of the fences. We would like to see as many STSA community members get involved as possible, with the first working bee to be held on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th November. The plan is to construct the first four panels that weekend, with a further four panels to be built at the following working bee on 10th and 11th December.
If you are able to help with this important project for the Mt Mawson Ski Field please advise STSA President Peter Davis of your attendance at the working bee by phone or text to 0419 318 316, or email