Partially completed snow fence repair – Mt Mawson 29 Jan 2017
The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association will be holding its third summer working bee for the Mt Mawson Ski Field this Sunday 19th February 2017. The plan is to put slats on the fence repaired last month, as well as to construct the new fence at the top of the ski run where wind damaged our new three panel fence last season. Ambrose also has a long list of ideas! The tripod timber is already at the top of the mountain, but there will be another trailer load of beams to carry up the hill – great exercise! Volunteering with STSA is a great way to be involved in preparing the Mt Mawson Ski Field for the 2017 winter season, and the tasks are allocated according to interest, skill set and fitness. If you are joining us, please let Peter Davis know by email (peter@peterdavis.net.au). Meet at the Lake Dobson gate at 10:00 am Sunday.