After a big day on Saturday, Paul Vince, Stephen Webber, Fred Koolhof and the Davis family were joined by George Brettingham-Moore, Adrian Brettingham Moore and Kay Sigrist to continue the construction of snow fences adjacent to the Mawson run. The misty weather from Saturday was replaced with dry conditions, but with strong winds which saw us putting more rocks on the snow fences to ensure they were secure. By the afternoon the wind had eased, the sun had come out and we had successfully constructed an additional 4 snow fence panels. A very rewarding working bee, with a great effort from the STSA volunteers. I suspect there are some pretty tired muscles this morning.
Thanks to everyone who helped over the weekend. The new fences will make a big difference to the retention of snow on the lower part of the Mawson run – we are all looking forward to seeing how they perform!
The next working bees are to be held in February, March and April, where the focus will be on completing the slats on the new frames, as well as repairing some damaged snow fences further up the run.