After a disappointing snow season in 2020 (on top of a pandemic and various other things!) the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association has decided to hold a working bee, its Annual General Meeting and social get together up at Mt Mawson on Saturday 21st November.

This will be a great opportunity for ski and mountain enthusiasts to get together face to face for the first time in many months. The plan for the day is:
10:00 am Meet at the Lake Dobson gate for Jeep Trail Access
10:30 am – 4:00 pm Working bee tasks
5:00 pm STSA Annual General Meeting and Committee Meeting
6:00 pm BYO barbecue and social get together at Mt Mawson Day Shelter
The working bee will include some snow fence construction, removal of surplus equipment from Rodway tow hut, and general tidy up (including under the old belt issue hut). With no income in 2020 funds are tight for STSA, so we will probably have to modify the scope of our ski field improvements this summer!
The AGM is open to all – it would be great to have some new faces join the STSA committee to help plan and manage the operation of the ski field.
And the social get together after the meeting will be a great chance to meet like-minded people from the various ski clubs that make up the STSA.
Look forward to seeing you at Mt Mawson on 21st November!