The weather forecast for this weekend is a bit challenging, particularly for the East and South East, with significant rain forecast for Hobart and surrounding areas. However both the Bureau and Snowforecast.com are forecasting snow at the Mt Mawson Ski Field tonight and into tomorrow, with relatively light winds until it becomes colder on Sunday.

This weekend STSA volunteers from the Mt Mawson Ski Club are rostered to run the ski tows, lead by Rudy Kloser and Rob Reid. The Mount Mawson Ski Patrol will be in attendance, lead by Simon Allen and Paul Vince. The volunteers are heading up the mountain to get ready to operate the tows tomorrow, and assuming that the weather forecast is correct (ie that we get snow, and not just rain!) the ski tows will be open at Mt Mawson Ski Field this weekend. So if it looks bleak and wet at home – come on up to Mt Mawson and enjoy some snow time.