Deciduous beech at Tarn Shelf
The STSA will be holding its final pre-season working bee this Saturday 24th April. Due to budget limitations there will not be a lot of construction work, but there will still be plenty of jobs to help prepare the ski field for the coming winter season. Craig Larsson will be organising the volunteers, and it is expected that some loose rocks will be removed from above the loading area of the Mawson tow to get things underway. There are also some first aid supplies and repair equipment to be taken across to Rodway Tow, which will provide a great opportunity to view the deciduous beech (fagus) at its most colourful.
STSA will also be running a sausage sizzle (gold coin donation) and hot coffees will be available to make the day a pleasant social occasion.
Come to Mt Mawson on Saturday and get involved with Southern Tasmania’s only downhill ski-field – meet at the Lake Dobson Gate at 10:00 am.
And while updating your diary – a tow managers training session is planned for Saturday 28th May, and the next STSA committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 15th June.