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Ready to Go – Now we just need Snow!

By   /  May 25, 2024  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  2 Comments

Despite being cold and foggy in the Derwent Valley it was a beautiful sunny day up at the Mt Mawson Ski Field today – perfect for conducting training and running final checks for the 2024 Ski Season. All of the STSA Ski Clubs were represented at the training – capably presented by Ambrose Canning, Craig […]

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Tow Training This Weekend

By   /  May 22, 2024  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  1 Comment

  As the winter chill sets in it is time to make sure that our volunteers are all ready and trained to operate the Mt Mawson Ski Field once the snow arrives. The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association (STSA) is therefore running a training session this Saturday 25th May for all STSA Clubs and anyone who […]

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Autumn Stunner

By   /  April 20, 2024  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

Saturday April 20th was a stunning Tasmanian Autumn day, warm, sunny and calm. Lots of people decided it was a perfect day to spend at Mt Field National Park and before long the Lake Dobson carpark was filled to overflowing.         It was also a perfect day for the Southern Tasmanian Ski […]

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April 20th Working Bee at Mt Mawson

By   /  April 17, 2024  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

  The turning of the fagus (deciduous beech) reminds us that Autumn has arrived, and also that it is time for the STSA April working bee. The STSA Committee met last night, and although as always there are plenty of tasks to be completed it was agreed that this weekend we will run just a […]

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Wild and Woolly!

By   /  March 24, 2024  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  1 Comment

  Conditions were just a little bleak up at Mt Mawson for the STSA’s March working bee held on Sunday 24th March, but this did not deter an enthusiastic band of volunteers from turning up to lend a hand to maintain the Mt Mawson Ski Field. It was very windy, very wet and pretty cold […]

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STSA Working Bee deferred to Sunday 24th March


  Now that there is a bit of an Autumn chill in the air, enthusiasm is building for the coming ski season at the Mt Mawson Ski Field. The STSA Committee met this evening to undertake planning for this weekend’s working bee, but it was realised a number of the STSA stalwart volunteers are not […]

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Mt Mawson in the news

By   /  August 16, 2023  /  MOUNT MAWSON SNOW REPORT, MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The Mt Mawson Ski Field featured on the ABC TV news this week as part of a story about the impacts of climate change on ski fields in Australia. Everyone is having a hard time, and in the absence of snow making facilities we are very dependent on natural snow fall. With an El-Nino forming, […]

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Nailed it!

By   /  April 24, 2023  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

The summer season of snow fence building at Mt Mawson Ski Field was successfully completed yesterday, with the slats finally nailed onto the last panel of replacement snow fencing on the South of the Mawson run. Volunteers from the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association were on the mountain all weekend – along with hundreds of visitors […]

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STSA Working Bee this Weekend

By   /  April 20, 2023  /  SOUTHERN TASMANIAN SKI ASSOCIATION NEWS  /  No Comments

  As advised previously, this weekend (22-23 April) the STSA will be conducting a final pre-season working bee at the Mt Mawson Ski Field. The timing has been picked to allow volunteers to undertake a few hours work on the ski field, prior to viewing the colours of the fagus (deciduous beech) on the Tarn […]

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Easter Ski-Field Improvements

By   /  April 14, 2023  /  MOUNTAIN NEWS  /  No Comments

After a pretty wet and cold Easter holiday it was great to see the weather improving up at Mt Field, enabling volunteers from the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association (STSA) to make some further progress on improving the infrastructure at the Mt Mawson Ski Field. Our web cam guru, Ian Stewart headed up the mountain on […]

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