Snow fence repairs and construction – Uni Tow 2021
The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association will be conducting a working bee at the Mt Mawson Ski Field this weekend, Saturday 20th March and Sunday 21st March. We are keen to ensure that the tows are all ready to go for the coming winter season, and so the plan is to run the tow motors and check the ropes and pulleys on both tows. It is expected that there will be some splicing to be done on Uni Tow, which has suffered some wear since last run in winter 2019. This is likely to be the main focus on Saturday, together with some painting and retrieval of surplus equipment from the Rodway motor hut.
On Sunday we expect to move to further repair and construction of snow fences on the Uni tow. When skiing across from Mawson to Uni, just before arriving at the top of the Uni tow skiers have to negotiate the “big dipper”. This has become very deep over the past couple of seasons, as the snow fence which is supposed to help fill this gully is in a very poor state of repair. With funds being tight following a non-season in 2020, STSA has just enough materials to build a single snow fence panel in that location, so we will again be looking for volunteers to help carry the timber up the hill, as well as assist in removal of old fence materials and construction of new.
Helpers experienced with rope splicing would be greatly appreciated on Saturday, but all volunteers welcome! There will be someone at the Lake Dobson Gate at 10:00 am both days.