Last Summer our STSA volunteers did a fantastic job building new snow fences to improve the retention of snow at the Mt Mawson ski field. It was the first big investment in this type of infrastructure for many years, and whilst we did not get a lot of snow in Winter 2014 there is no doubt that the fences worked well to capture any snow that did fall. The overall appearance is certainly a lot tidier, and in combination with the new groomed area we end up with a much better operation for the Mt Mawson run.
We didn’t quite finish the repair work last Summer, and so have scheduled another working bee for 22-23 November 2014. The aim will be to replace an existing damaged panel up on the Mawson slope which we didn’t get to last year, and complete the new panels to ensure the snow on the groomed area is optimised. STSA has purchased the necessary timber, and it will be delivered to the mountain on 21 November (fortunately a much smaller load than last year!)
The working bees are a fun way to make a contribution to the maintenance of downhill skiing and boarding in Southern Tasmania, so come along and be involved. Meet at the Dobson Gate at 10:00 am.
May I know is there any seasonal job in winter 2015? Thanks.
Dear Sow Chan Lum,
We will be operating the ski tows at Mt Field National Park in Winter 2015, but we are all volunteers. We also only operate on weekends – so no paid seasonal work.
Peter Davis
President Southern Tasmanian Ski Associationm