The first 10 panels of new snow fences at Mt Mawson were completed this weekend – due to the great efforts of our STSA volunteers. Oldina Ski Club and the Ski Club of Tasmania were well represented, and everyone worked hard to get the fences tied down, and the balance of slats added. It was hot and sunny on Saturday (with the March flies out in force) and cool and misty on Sunday – ideal conditions on the mountain.
A very big thanks to George and Adrian Brettingham-Moore, Rod Stolorz, Andrew Briggs, Ambrose Canning, Peter, Karen and Matthew Davis, and Stephen, Lachlan and Isobel Webber. Now we just need some snow for the fences to do their thing!
There is still more to do to get ready for the 2014 ski season, with the the next working bee scheduled for 15-16 March. Its the State election on the Saturday, so its easy to remember the date!