Plenty of Tasmanians have been doing snow dances to get the ski season underway, and with Covid closing all ski fields on mainland Australia and in New Zealand we were all hoping that Mt Mawson might have the unique distinction of being the ski resort open in Australasia this weekend.

Top of Mawson Run – 28 August 2021
Unfortunately this season the weather has refused to play ball, with insufficient southwesterly weather to allow the snow base to build up. The snow fences that the STSA volunteers have worked so hard to construct over the past few years are doing a great job of trapping the snow on the lift line, but there is still not enough cover to allow downhill skiing across the ski field.

Dreaming of doing some cool turns down Mawson… 28 August 2021
Still at least there are still some snow caves for the children to play in!

Matthew Davis and Liv Deconinck in a very small snow cave on the Mawson run
The BOM is forecasting 17 degrees for Mt Field next Thursday (and 24 C in Hobart) so the snow cover is not looking promising for a ski season start. At least you can drive all the way to the Dobson carpark!