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Great day skiing at Mt Mawson

By   /  September 1, 2024  /  4 Comments

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A keen crowd of skiers and boarders spent today shredding turns at Australia’s most Southerly ski resort. Volunteers from a number of STSA clubs plus members of the public joined together in a great community effort to dig out the rope from a substantial snowdrift at the top of the Mawson run, and then enjoyed remarkably good weather and snow conditions to mark a welcome spring skiing day for Mt Mawson Skifield.

Mawson Day shelter looking good


Lead Ski Patroller Andrew Davey heads up the tow to do a safety check of the slope before opening


Where’s the tow line? Clearly digging has occurred here..


Ahh there it is! The Mawson tunnel

Despite flooding in the Derwent Valley skiers and boarders continued to arrive at  Mawson all day.

Mt Mawson run – Sunday 1st September 2024


A threatening sky, but the weather remained much better than forecast.


Overall a very successful day for all who made the trek up into the snow – a very Tasmanian and somewhat unique way to celebrate the start of spring.

There is a great deal of enthusiasm to keep the skiing tradition alive at Mt Mawson, and with a further big dump of snow forecast this evening there is talk of a midweek operation. This depends of course on the availability of skilled volunteers who escape from work during the week! Keep an eye on this website for any updates.


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  • Published: 3 weeks ago on September 1, 2024
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 1, 2024 @ 3:52 pm
  • Filed Under: MOUNTAIN NEWS

About the author

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Immediate past president, Southern Tasmanian Ski Association

Peter is Immediate past president of the STSA, and a member of the Oldina Ski Club. He has been coming to Mt Field for many years, and is an intermediate skier who can get down most black runs, but without much style.


  1. Mike says:

    Hi Peter, how can we find out whether the ski lift is going to run, is there a notification?

    • Avatar photo Peter Davis says:

      Hi Mike,
      The best way to find out when the ski lifts are to run at Mt Mawson is to subscribe to the Mt Mawson blog by email (there is a spot you can enter your details on the RHS of the webpage) and join more than 1,850 people who receive updates direct to their inbox, cheers, Peter

  2. freelyperfecta5a5086923 says:

    The road up has been blocked off (Sunday 1st) due to heavy rain. Such a bummer !

    • Avatar photo Peter Davis says:

      That is often a challenge for the Mt Mawson Ski Field – really good snow often comes with really bad weather, which means that having the Lake Dobson Road open and clear is definitely a priority.

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