After some wintry weather over the past week it was great to have a sunny settled Saturday to allow visitors to enjoy the snow at Mt Field National Park today. Volunteers from Oldina Ski Club were on the mountain early to start the task of digging out the tow line in readiness for operations- with the strong NW gales we have experienced there are some quite large drifts, particularly at the top of the Mawson Run. Conditions were superb – and the best for this season so far.

Volunteers from the Oldina Ski Club digging out the tow

Good snow at the Mt Mawson Ski Field Saturday 25/8/18
The slopes were open, and the crowds arrived. A lot of families were out enjoying the Spring-like Tasmanian weather, and many were using the rope tows for the first time. The new day shelter continued to attract favourable comments – once completed with outdoor seating this will be a great asset for visitors to Mt Field National Park.

Queue for the Mawson Tow, 25/8/18

Mt Mawson Day Shelter – nearly there
The ski tows at Mt Mawson will be operating again tomorrow – come up and check them out before the wintry conditions return tomorrow afternoon….