A good crowd of enthusiastic skiers, boarders and snow bunnies are expected to head to Mt Mawson Ski Field this weekend to enjoy the best snow cover so far this season. Last weekend the Ski Club of Tasmania operated the ski tows in what can only be described as beach-like sunny conditions, but that has all changed this week with constant snowfalls every afternoon and evening.
Undeterred by gale force winds STSA volunteers Ambrose Canning and Tim Metcalfe made a special trip to the ski field on Wednesday to check and improve the starting of the Mawson motor – thanks guys for a great effort! Volunteers from the Wellington Ski and Outdoor Club will be heading to the mountain on Friday afternoon to be ready to operate the tows this weekend, and we even hear a rumour that our web cam guru Ian Stewart may be heading up to improve the images we see during snowstorm conditions…

The heated public day shelter will be open, with toilets, gas heating and running water to make the day more pleasant.
The weather is forecast to moderate from what we have experienced this week, with some more snow coming through on Saturday evening to ensure the ski field remains in top condition. Come on up to enjoy skiing and boarding at Southern Tasmania’s only operating ski field, and remember to dress warmly, and check the Lake Dobson road conditions on 6288 1149. See you on the mountain!

Do you think Rodway tow could be going this weekend?
Hi Pat, Wellington club is on duty and we have good numbers on the books to be coming to help. That being said there will potentially be a lot of work to do to get both Mawson and Uni tows running, which are our first priority.
We would love to be able to get Rodway running – it will all depend on club numbers turning up, enough ski patrollers on duty, the weather conditions and other willing participants ??? to help if there is a lot to do to dig out Rodway tow. A decision will be made when up there on site on Saturday and an update posted on the website if its a goer.
Can you rent ski equipment there? thanks
Hi Mila, Unfortunately there is no ski equipment hire available on the mountain, and since the closure of SkiGia not in Hobart either. The best option is probably to buy some second hand gear, or borrow from a friend.